Celebrating Unique Mothers and Women on International Women’s Day #IWD2016

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” ~ Rajneesh

In celebration of Mother’s Day in the UK this past Sunday, and International Women’s Day today, I would like to share a few heartfelt verses. I have always maintained that mothers are the ultimate executives. After all, they are not just raising profits; they are raising humanity…

Motherhood - life quote

The bottom line is not money, it’s love. Love makes the world go round. People perform best when they are happy and aligned with their purpose. The unconditional love that mothers give to their children is essential to foster self-esteem, confidence, courage, kindness and healthy development. Those early years, all the way through to adulthood cannot be underestimated.

Yet so often in the corporate world mothers are discriminated against, paid less and struggle to work rigid hours that make the challenging job of raising children even harder than it already is.  Let’s not forget, before the working day starts we’ve already done what feels like a day’s work, and when the working day is over mothers are on over-time until their offspring are tucked up safely in bed. Even then we have to be on call 24/7.


Just ask one of America’s most powerful and influential women, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and she will attest to having experienced exactly the same situation that most women, and especially working mother’s face in today’s world. Why Women Still Can’t Have It All is a compelling read.

I admire and respect the men who notice, value and share our lives in all their inspiration, talent and daily drudgery.

This is such a brilliant and uplifting advert! #ShareTheLoad

#PleadgeforParity #IWD2016 International Women’s Day 2016

Let’s celebrate our mothers and all women!

Mother and Child by Frederic Leighton

Mother and Child by Frederic Leighton

Dear Mum

You held my hand through thick and thin,

You shared and celebrated my triumphs,

You encouraged me after each disaster,

You helped me when needed, to bear my pain,

You wiped away my tears…

You gave me your precious love and your time,

You sacrificed your sleep, and at times, your sanity!

You learnt fast and on the job, without vanity,

You saw no immediate return on your investment.

You did your best, even under trying circumstances,

You instilled manners, morals, and values to be proud of,

You never gave up on me.

You kept me safe; yet gave me wings…

You nurtured and nourished me no matter what,

You took me places, cheered me on,

You cooked me delicious, nutritious meals,

You washed and ironed my clothes,

You never asked for anything in return,

You taught me how to learn,

You always gave me a smile, a kiss and a hug,

You nursed me when I was poorly,

You were quite handy with a bandage and plaster!

You pushed me to work harder, achieve more,

Your wisdom and advice I ignored too often,

You and I are different; but I couldn’t be who I am without you.

You and I share an unspoken, unbreakable bond,

You remember when it was sometimes stretched…

You and I know it’s forever flexible and strong,

Your example is a beacon for me to follow,

You guide me in my own journey as a mother,

You want the best for me; my hopes and dreams are yours…

With all my love, and eternal gratitude,

Long may you flourish and prosper!

Motherhood is a tough but rewarding calling and shouldn’t be underestimated or undervalued.

Mother and Child by mary Cassatt c. 1880

Mother and Child by mary Cassatt c. 1880

If the basic human need to be loved and supported isn’t met, the chances of dysfunctional behaviour in the individual become vastly increased, alongside the implications for society as a whole.

David R. Hawkins on the role of mothers:

“Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.” ~ Howard W. Hunter

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